Fumbling towards repair: A workbook for community accountability facilitators, Mariame Kaba and Shira Hassan. (2019) 162p.
"Fumbling Towards Repair is a workbook by Mariame Kaba and Shira Hassan that includes reflection questions, skill assessments, facilitation tips, helpful definitions, activities, and hard-learned lessons intended to support people who have taken on the coordination and facilitation of formal community accountability (CA) processes to address interpersonal harm & violence. IMPORTANT NOTE: This workbook is NOT an introduction to community accountability."
Creative Intervention Toolkit - A Practical Guide to Stop Interpersonal Violence, Creative interventions. (2012) 576p.
Espagnol :"Creative Interventions provides vision, tools and resources to help anyone and everyone create community-based, collective responses to domestic, family, and sexual violence. The community-based approach centers those closest to and most impacted by harm, honors their expertise, and builds collective knowledge and power as the solution to violence.
[...[ Aligned with transformative justice, community accountability, and, more simply, community-based responses to violence — Creative Interventions addresses responses to harm at all stages — prevention, early intervention, rapid response to crisis, and longer-term processes towards transformation."(LIVRE) Turn This World Inside Out: The Emergence of Nurturance Culture, Nora Samaran. (2019) 136p.
As Nora Samaran writes, “violence is nurturance turned backwards.” In its place, she proposes “nurturance culture” as the opposite of rape culture, suggesting that models of care and accountability—different from “call-outs” rooted in the politics of guilt—can move toward dismantling systems of dominance and oppression.
When communities identify and interrupt systemic violence, prioritize the needs of those harmed, and hold a circle of belonging that humanizes everyone, they create a foundation that can begin to resist and repair the harms inflicted by patriarchy, white supremacy, and capitalism. Emerging from insights in gender studies, race theory, and psychology, and influenced by contemporary social movements, Turn This World Inside Out engages today's crucial questions, helping move us beyond seemingly intractable barriers to collective change.
Includes the essays “The Opposite of Rape Culture Is Nurturance Culture,” “On Gaslighting,” and “Own, Apologize, Repair,” as well as conversations with Serena Bhandar, Ruby Smith Díaz, Aravinda Ananda, Natalie Knight, and Alix Johnson.
Beyond Survival, Ejeris Dixon et Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha. (2020). 260p.
Transformative justice seeks to solve the problem of violence at the grassroots level, without relying on punishment, incarceration, or policing. Community-based approaches to preventing crime and repairing its damage have existed for centuries. However, in the putative atmosphere of contemporary criminal justice systems, they are often marginalized and operate under the radar. Beyond Survival puts these strategies front and center as real alternatives to today’s failed models of confinement and “correction.”
In this collection, a diverse group of authors focuses on concrete and practical forms of redress and accountability, assessing existing practices and marking paths forward. They use a variety of forms—from toolkits to personal essays—to delve deeply into the “how to” of transformative justice, providing alternatives to calling the police, ways to support people having mental health crises, stories of community-based murder investigations, and much more. At the same time, they document the history of this radical movement, creating space for long-time organizers to reflect on victories, struggles, mistakes, and transformations.
We will not cancel us, Adrienne Maree Brown. (2020). p.96.
Cancel or call-out culture is a fraught topic these days. Originating as a way for marginalized and disempowered people to address harm and take down powerful abusers, often with the help of social media, it is seen by some as having gone too far. But what is “too far” when you’re talking about imbalances of power and patterns of harm? And what happens when people in social movements direct our righteous anger inward at one another?
In We Will Not Cancel Us, movement mediator adrienne maree brown reframes the discussion for us, in a way that points to possible paths beyond our impasse. Most critiques of cancel culture come from outside the milieus that produce it, sometimes even from its targets. Brown explores the question from a Black, queer, and feminist viewpoint that gently asks, how well does this practice serve us? Does it prefigure the sort of world we want to live in? And, if it doesn’t, how do we seek accountability and redress for harm in ways that reflect our values?
The little book of restorative justice, Howard Zehr. (2002). 76p.
Vengeance and bitter violence have had their turns — without redemptive results. How should we as a society respond to wrongdoing? When a crime occurs or an injustice is done, what needs to happen? What does justice require? Howard Zehr, known worldwide for his pioneering work in transforming our understandings of justice, here proposes workable principles and practices for making restorative justice both possible and useful. First he explores how restorative justice is different from criminal justice. Then, before letting those appealing observations drift out of reach, into theoretical space, Zehr presents Restorative Justice Practices. Zehr undertakes a massive and complex subject and puts it in graspable form, without reducing or trivializing it. This is a handbook, a vehicle for moving our society toward healing and wholeness. This is a sourcebook, a starting point for handling brokenness with hard work and hope.
I hope we choose love: A Trans Girl's Notes from the End of the World, Kai Cheng Thom. (2019). 144p.
What can we hope for at the end of the world? What can we trust in when community has broken our hearts? What would it mean to pursue justice without violence? How can we love in the absence of faith?
In a heartbreaking yet hopeful collection of personal essays and prose poems, blending the confessional, political, and literary, acclaimed poet and essayist Kai Cheng Thom dives deep into the questions that haunt social movements today. With the author's characteristic eloquence and honesty, I Hope We Choose Love proposes heartfelt solutions on the topics of violence, complicity, family, vengeance, and forgiveness. Taking its cues from contemporary thought leaders in the transformative justice movement such as adrienne maree brown and Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, this provocative book is a call for nuance in a time of political polarization, for healing in a time of justice, and for love in an apocalypse.
(LIVRE) The Language of Emotions: What Your Feelings Are Trying to Tell You, Karla McLaren. (2010) 415p.
Your ability to work intelligently with your emotions is a key factor in determining your overall well-being. But how many of us were taught what to do in the face of overwhelming grief, seething anger, or paralyzing fear? Through experiential exercises covering a full spectrum of feelings from anger, fear, and shame to jealousy, grief, joy, and more, you’ll discover how to work with your own and others’ emotions with fluency and expertise.(LIVRE) The Relationship Skills Workbook: A Do-It-Yourself Guide to a Thriving Relationship, Julia Colwell. (2014) 201p.
What are the ingredients of a successful and enduring relationship? Love, passion, and commitment are all vital—yet without certain basic skills, even the most devoted partners can find themselves descending into arguments, power struggles, and disillusionment. With The Relationship Skills Workbook, Dr. Julia Colwell presents a practical guide for building a conscious partnership based on cooperation and trust—offering relationship-saving techniques and on-the-spot conflict resolution tools for disarming the explosive clashes that most commonly break couples apart.
In this friendly and easy-to-use resource, Dr. Colwell teaches you essential tools for:
Crisis and conflict first aid—communication strategies and emotional mastery techniques to stop arguing and start connecting
• Getting unstuck from power struggles—how to shift from deadlock to mutual responsibility and support
• Ending the blame game—letting go of accusation and resentment to create win-win agreements
• Supporting each other's growth and success—how to retain your personal autonomy while fully committing to your partner's happiness
• Moving from reactivity to creative solutions—techniques to keep your brain's flight-or-fight instinct from undermining your heart's desires
• Sustaining love, passion, and romance—how you can choose to create a magnificent relationship together(LIVRE) The revolution starts at home : Confronting Intimate Violence Within Activist Communities, Ching-In Chen, Jai Dulani, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha. (2016) 368p.
PDF:''The Revolution Starts at Home is as urgently needed today as when it was first published. This watershed collection breaks the dangerous silence surrounding the secret” of intimate violence within social justice circles. Just as importantly, it provides practical strategies for dealing with abuse and creating safety without relying on the coercive power of the state. It offers life-saving alternatives for survivors, while building a movement where no one is left behind.''
(LIVRE) Polyvagal Exercises for Safety and Connection, Deb A. Dana. (2020) 304p.
"A practical guide to working with the principles of polyvagal theory beyond the therapy session.
Deb Dana is the foremost translator of polyvagal theory into clinical practice. Here, in her third book on this groundbreaking theory, she provides therapists with a grab bag of polyvagal-informed exercises for their clients, to use both within and between sessions.
These exercises offer readily understandable explanations of the ways the autonomic nervous system directs daily living. They use the principles of polyvagal theory to guide clients to safely connect to their autonomic responses and navigate daily experiences in new ways. The exercises are designed to be introduced over time in a variety of clinical sessions with accompanying exercises appropriate for use by clients between sessions to enhance the therapeutic change process."
(LIVRE) My Grandmother's hands : Racialized Trauma and the Mending of Our Bodies and Hearts, Resmaa Menakem. (2017) 300 p.
"The body is where our instincts reside and where we fight, flee, or freeze, and it endures the trauma inflicted by the ills that plague society.
In this groundbreaking work, therapist Resmaa Menakem examines the damage caused by racism in America from the perspective of body-centered psychology. He argues this destruction will continue until Americans learn to heal the generational anguish of white supremacy, which is deeply embedded in all our bodies. Our collective agony doesn't just affect African Americans. White Americans suffer their own secondary trauma as well. So do blue Americans—our police.
My Grandmother's Hands is a call to action for all of us to recognize that racism is not about the head, but about the body, and introduces an alternative view of what we can do to grow beyond our entrenched racialized divide.
This book paves the way for a new, body-centered understanding of white supremacy—how it is literally in our blood and our nervous system. It offers a step-by-step solution—a healing process—in addition to incisive social commentary."(LIVRE) Faire justice: Moralisme progressiste et pratiques punitives dans la lutte contre les violences sexistes, Elsa Deck Marsault, Édition remue-ménage, 2024, 136p.
Ce livre propose une critique fine du moralisme progressiste et des pratiques punitives dans les luttes féministes et sociales. En se saisissant d’exemples concrets rencontrés au fil de son militantisme et en puisant dans les théories sur l’abolitionnisme pénal, Elsa Deck Marsault pose les jalons d’une justice transformatrice inventive dans laquelle le dialogue et l’horizontalité priment sur tout principe rigide. Car endiguer les violences, c’est aussi ne plus craindre le conflit, ne plus avoir peur de lutter.
(PODCAST) Stuck not broken, Justin Sunseri. (2019)
Podcast about the polyvagal theory, by Justin Sunseri a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, to help us better understand our nervous systems and our survival responses and how it connects to mental health, trauma, education, parenting and more. Polyvagal theory was developped by Stephen Porges that describes how the mammalian autonomic nervous system evolved to keep us safe and alive.
(Podcast) Becoming the People Podcast, Prentis Hemphill
S2 Ep12 : Finding Our Way: Harm, Punishment, and Abolition with Mariame Kaba
In this episode, Prentis sits with activist, organizer, educator, and author, Mariame Kaba, to discuss abolition and its connection to healing work. This conversation asks us to confront difficult truths about our enacting of relationships, our striving for innocence, and how much we might actually draw pleasure from punishment.
(Podcast) For the Wild
Episode 151 : Mariame Kaba on Moving Past Punishment
If we want a just & humane world, we must create one in which apparatuses of oppression are no longer considered reasonable. This week on For The Wild, we are joined by Mariame Kaba for an expansive conversation on Transformative Justice, community accountability, criminalization of survivors, & freedom on the horizon. Mariame addresses punishment as an issue of directionality while reminding us why it is vital to have the prison abolition movement in conversation with the movement for climate & environmental justice. When we engage with these issues & shape our actions out of a commitment to removing violence at its core, we are working to transform our world beyond recognition into something teeming with possibility, beauty, & life.
How To Survive The End of The World Podcast
Nov. 2018 : The Practices We Need : #metoo and Transformative Justice Part 2
The sisters Automn Brown and adrienne maree brown talk with transformative justice practitioner Mariame Kaba (@prisonculture) and get our minds blown with frameworks and breakthroughs on how to really address harm and grow beyond it.
(PODCAST) Fucking Cancelled, Clementine Morrigan and Jay Lesoleil. (2020)
Episode 34: Refusing to be Accountable: On Accountability Processes
Episode 21: Refusing to be Accountable: The Rights of the Accused''Fucking Cancelled is a podcast with three aims. First, we analyze and critique a phenomenon on the left that we call the nexus: a synthesis of identitarianism, social media, and cancel culture. Second, we offer emotional, spiritual, and ethical insights into the process of rejecting and exiting the nexus. Third, we move toward a different vision for the left grounded in solidarity, freedom, and responsibility.''
(ATELIERS EN LIGNE $) Mixtape on Transformative Justice : Steps to End Prisons and Policing, Just Practice Collective. (2022)"This mixtape is an offering of nourishment and care to the abolitionist community. Learn from some of the people who have been practicing and thinking about and creating organizations around Transformative Justice over the last two decades.
The Mixtape Includes:
1. Prison Industrial Complex (PIC) Abolition 101: A Vision to End Prisons, Policing & Surveillance- Mariame Kaba
2. Transformative Justice Intro- Mia Mingus
3. No Transformative Justice without Harm Reduction -Shira Hassan
4. Healing Justice: A Political Strategy for Movements -Cara Page & Erica Woodland
5. Creating Safety Teams and Making Spaces Safer- Ejeris Dixon
6. Mad World: Psychiatry, Abolition, and New Horizons- Elliot Fukui
7. How to Support Survivors Who Seek to Hold Harm-Doers Accountable Without Engaging the Police or the State- Shira Hassan & Ejeris Dixon
8. From Rapid Response to Transformative Justice Processes: Some Basics You Should Know- -Mimi Kim
9. The Four Parts of Accountability & How to Apologize- Mia Mingus"(ATELIERS EN LIGNE $) Accountability mapping, Daria Garina.
"Centered Accountability Course"
"Tools to transform your relationship to accountability by working through your body rather than against it. You will learn to align your actions with your values and show up as your highest self. You will find tools to help you discern where you are over and under accountable, practices to move through overwhelming emotions, and more!"(COURS EN LIGNE) Accountability Mapping : Centered Accountability Course, Daria Garina. (2022)
Videos tools to transform your relationship to accountability by working through your body rather than against it. You will learn to align your actions with your values and show up as your highest self. You will find tools to help you discern where you are over and under accountable, practices to move through overwhelming emotions, and more!
(DOCUMENT COLLABORATIF) Recettes restautrices, collectif. (en cours) 24p.
Inspiré de pratiques explorées lors d’ateliers sur les conflits, ce livre de recettes rassemble des pratiques que nous connaissons et qui fonctionnent bien pour nous, pour supporter la compréhension personnelle et interpersonnelle dans des situations conflictuelles, de confusion, de tensions ou d’incompréhension (exemple: roue des émotions et des besoins, guide de dialogue imago, guide pour se préparer à une discussion difficile, etc.) Il est important que ces recettes puissent se partager par l’exploration pratique, et que ce livre de recettes soit ainsi exploré en personne, avec la possibilité d’en discuter. Ce livre de recette est éditable en ligne.
(ARTICLE) The Nitty-Gritty: Sexual Violence and Transformative Justice in Alternative Communities, Mischa Byruck. (2020).
"How The Radical Justice Systems of BIPOC and Activist Communities Are Influencing the Counterculture"
(EN LIGNE) Plan for safety, National Domestic Violence Hotline.
Détail d'outils pour aider à rester en sécurité, autant à un niveau personnel, que sur internet, avec les enfants et les animaux domestique.
(EN LIGNE) Helpers : So you want to stage an intervention..., National Domestic Violence Hotline.
Texte qui discute articule les enjeux autour des ultimatums et des interventions forcées dans le contexte de support de survivant-e-s de violences. L'autrice explique le problème de l'approche de "l'intervention" et suggère d'autres alternatives pour soutenir la personne qui vit la violence, y compris :
- comprendre les étapes du processus de changement
- comment discuter de la situation problématique
- poser ses propres limites"It is totally normal to feel helpless and to want do whatever you can to help that person be safe. One day, the idea may occur to you: an intervention! But how should you go about it? The answer is simpler than you might think: don’t."
(En ligne) SOS Violence Conjugale
Site web exhaustif sur les différents enjeux liés à la violence conjugale, y compris des conseils pratiques. C'est possible de les contacter pour discuter de sa situation et recevoir de l'aide pour trouver des ressources d'accompagnement.
Questionnaires interactifs pour identifier les sortes de violences présentes dans la relation et identifier les rapports de pouvoir et de contrôle dans la relation.
(En ligne) Transform Harm. est un centre de ressources pour mettre fin à la violence. Nous ne sommes pas une organisation. Ce site propose une introduction à la justice transformative. Créé par Mariame Kaba et conçu par Lu Design Studio, le site comprend une sélection d'articles, des ressources audiovisuelles, des programmes d'études, etc. sur :
- Justice Transformatrice
- Justice Restoratrice
- Responsabilité communautaire
- Abolition
- Féminisme carcéral
- Justice de la Guérison (Healing Justice)(En ligne) Clavardage de SOS violence conjugale.
Le service par clavardage est disponible pour les personnes concernées par une situation de violence conjugale de l'ensemble du Québec. S'il n'y a pas d'intervenante en ligne, ou que vous n'êtes pas en mesure d'attendre, SOS violence conjugale sont disponibles immédiatement et en tout temps par téléphone au 1 800 363-9010.
(En ligne) Entrevue avec Françoise Verges sur le Féminisme Carcéral
"Le féminisme carcéral penche de ce côté : punir, criminaliser, emprisonner. Il ne s’attaque ni à la militarisation de la société, ni au capitalisme, ni à l’extension de la criminalisation. Je ne pense pas que tout soit causé par le capitalisme, mais je ne vois pas comment nous allons surmonter les effets de pouvoir et de violence masculine en augmentant la criminalisation et le pouvoir de la police, du tribunal et de la prison. Il faut imaginer une politique féministe décoloniale de la protection. Il faut oser aller au-delà de la rétribution et de la vengeance qui ne mettent pas fin à la violence. Le féminisme transformateur (transformative feminism) va dans ce sens : il analyse le crime dans le contexte sociopolitique et culturel qui autorise le crime et imagine un monde où la sécurité ne repose pas sur la prison."
(ZINE/PDF) So you're ready to choose love: trauma informed conflict transformation for social justice and spiritual growth, Kai Cheng Thom. (2021). 39p.
This free digital (and printable) conflict resolution workbook is intended as a gift and humble offering to anyone looking for trauma-informed, anti-oppressive conflict resolution resources. While SO YOU’RE READY TO CHOOSE LOVE is self-published in the tradition of queer zines and open source knowledge sharing, it is in many ways a practical companion to my more anecdotal/theoretical essay collection, I HOPE WE CHOOSE LOVE.
(ZINE) Beautiful, difficult, powerful: ending sexual assault through transformative justice, The Chrysalis Collective. (2011) 18p.
‘’This is the story of our process, what we did, how and why we did it, what worked and what didn’t. Our story won’t apply to everyone, or perhaps even to anyone, but we hope our offering to this beautiful , difficult, and powerful movement for Transformative Justice will inspire the work folks do in their own communities’’.(PDF) It takes a village, people! Advocacy, friends and family & LGBT survivors of abuse. Connie Burk, Selma Al-Aswad Dillsi, Meg Crager. 21p.
Guide pratique pour soutenir des proches qui vivent de la violence et les spécificités vécues dans un contexte LGBTQ2sIA+.
Ça inclue
- Suggestions pour étendre ou restaurer le réseau d'une personne survivante de violence conjugale.
- Enjeux d'oppressions de la violence genrée et par rapport à l'orientation sexuelle et tactiques d'abus
- trucs pour la famille et les ami-es
- guides pour planifier du soutien
- exercice pour poser des limites
- cartographier les ressources et la communauté(PDFs) Évaluation du danger, Jacquelyn C. Campbell
Liste de guides PDF de 1 à 6 pages qui contiennent des échelles pour évaluer l'intensité du danger dans une situation de violence et le risque qu'une personne soit assassinée par son ou sa partenaire. Guide en Anglais, Français Québécois, Espagnol et Portugais Brésilien. Il y a aussi des guides spécifiquement pour les personnes dans des relations lesbiennes, dans des situations d'immigration.
(PDF) Safety Planning and Intimate Partner Violence : A toolkit for Survivors and Supporters. Community Justice Exchange. 52p.
"Cette boîte à outils a été créée à l'intention des personnes qui s'interrogent sur la manière de soutenir les survivant-es de la violence d'un partenaire intime. L'intention est de renforcer les réponses de la communauté aux abus en partageant des compétences et des informations pratiques pour la planification de la sécurité. Bien qu'il ait été rédigé en pensant aux communautés abolitionnistes des prisons, il se veut également une ressource utile pour un plus grand nombre de personnes ayant des expériences diverses."
(PDF) Ending Child Sexual Abuse : A transformative Justice Handbook, Generation FIVE. (2017) 68p.
Ce guide "s'appuie sur une décennie d'apprentissage et se veut d'une utilité pratique pour les membres de la famille et les personnes faisant partie de nos réseaux intimes, pour les enseignants, les responsables communautaires, les professionnels de la santé et de la santé mentale, et pour toute personne cherchant à lutter contre les abus sexuels commis sur des enfants dans sa vie et dans la vie de ceux qui l'entourent. " Entre autres:
- Qu'est-ce que l'abus sexuel chez les enfants?
- Qu'est-ce qui lui permet de continuer?
- Approches et objectifs de justice transformatrice(PDF) 1p. Transformative Justice Skill-Up Institute : Skills / Relationships / Structures. Project Nia.
Pour bâtir un contexte de justice transformatrice : "Feuille d'exercice qui aide à nommer vos compétences, les domaines dans lesquels vous pouvez continuer à construire / approfondir ces compétences, les relations qui peuvent vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs. approfondir ces compétences, les relations qui peuvent vous soutenir dans ce travail, et les structures qui peuvent être des ressources là où vous êtes."